What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture involves inserting extremely thin needles into various locations in the body along the meridians or channels. These needles are inserted in certain patterns to allow your body to begin to heal.
Who can benefit from acupuncture?
What can I expect from a treatment?
On the first visit Dr. Fuller will begin by discussing your history and your “primary concern” or “chief complaint” as well as other past medical problems that are affecting your health and well being. Many of the questions will be similar to ones you have been asked in the past by your personal primary care physician, but others will be quite different and possibly seem random regarding personal preferences to color, seasons, and emotions. this additional information will help guide treatments based on Chinese Medicine perspective of your personal constitution. The initial visit will also allow time for an acupuncture treatment You should allow about one and a half hours for this initial session. Subsequent follow up appointments will be about an hour.
What will it cost?
The fee for an acupuncture treatment is $120. The initial visit with intake and assessment is an additional $40. Treatments will include acupuncture, cupping, moxabustion, or electrical stimulation as indicated. At this time cash/check payment is due at time of service. We are not set up for credit or debit cards at the current time. In the future credit or debit payments, as well as HSA payments, may be accepted.
How can I book an appointment?
You can contact Dr. Fuller at (318) 220-1516
How do I prepare for a treatment?
Consuming a light meal is probably most appropriate, being overly hungry or full may make you uncomfortable. You should wear loose, comfortable clothing if possible, but gowns or shorts are provided when needed.
How will I feel after a treatment?
Most patients feel quite calm and relaxed following acupuncture. Many patients may even fall asleep during the treatment. There can be quite a feeling of wellbeing as acupuncture usually causes a release of endorphins. If you are overly tired or sleepy, it may be necessary to remain in the office for an additional time period until you feel you can drive safely.
How many treatments will I need?
The number of sessions needed will be guided by your personal response to the treatments. Pain relief may be quite dramatic initially for acute problems, but chronic pain and problems usually take some time for improvement.
Will it hurt?
Most patients are pleasantly surprised that there is very little pain experienced with the placement of acupuncture needles. There may be a tiny stick or prick when the needle enters the skin at certain points, but often times you may not even feel that. After needle insertion there is often a sensation that can be described as a dull ache, pressure, or heaviness that is referred to as “De Qi.” This is desirable and a good sign that your body and energy are alerted to the presence of the needle.
Will my insurance cover the treatment?
Dr. Fuller does not accept insurance for acupuncture treatments. The type of attention and time allotted for each patient is individualized and this level of service is not recognized by most insurance companies.